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A Step in the Right Direction

Group Ballroom Dance Lessons Baltimore

   Group classes are great for both novices and experienced dancers. Basic technique and footwork are taught in our beginning classes and as you become more proficient, you can pick up more advanced technique and patterns in our intermediate-advanced classes. Group classes are also a way to build on what you have learned in your private lessons.

Drop-in Group Dance Classes

It’s easy to try our Drop-in classes.  They require no prior registration and each class is self-contained, meaning it does not necessarily carry over to the next week.  Partners are not required.  Our instructors encourage the class to rotate partners frequently, however, if you have a partner and you don’t want to rotate, that is fine.


Series Group Dance Classes

Series classes provide the opportunity to keep building on skills, week after week, to help you achieve a good foundation.  They typically run in 4 - 8 week sessions.  Partners are not required.  We make every attempt to see that each class is balanced with equal number of leaders and followers.

Current Weekly Group Classes


This is an American Style, monthly session,

focusing on the six most popular Ballroom Dances

....... Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango & Swing,

in rotation.

Instructor - Yuko Ota, ISTD




Twice yearly sessions,

alternating the Standard Ballroom Dances,

with synchronized choreography. 

Participants may perform in our Special Events.

Instructor - Mary Botta, FISTD




A full hour Beginner Class in Monthly Sessions, 

focusing on the six most popular Ballroom Dances

....... Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango & Swing,

in rotation. Instructor - Mary Botta, FISTD


Classes for ages 3-Adult

Instructor - Karen Blank





A Monthly 1/2 hour Beginner Level Review Class

followed by a full hour Intermediate Class in the same dance.

Sessions focus on the six most popular Ballroom Dances

....... Waltz, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba, Tango & Swing,

in rotation.

Instructor - Shannon Thrasher


Learn fun social and competitive dance patterns,

musicality, fancy footwork,styling

for leaders and followers and more. 

These are Drop-in classes

Instructor - Tammy Brown




Intermediate Level Classes

Instructor - Marsha Bonet




A 10 Week Curriculum

Teaching the basic fundamentals and patterns in Level 1

Advance to Level 2 and improve your lead / follow skills,

resistance, anchoring and much more.

Instructor - Tammy Brown




These classes are Monthly Sessions,

focusing on the International Ballroom Dances in rotation,

Bronze, Silver & Gold Level.

Instructors - Catherine Noblitt, FISTD

& Stephen Nadeau




These are Drop-in Classes which can accomodate

Beginner Dancers and Intermediate Dancers

Instructor - Figgy Jones




These sessions focus on a variety of the Latin Dances,

with synchronized choreography.

The Team often participates in our Spring and Fall Showcase

Instructor - Nonci Tirado, MISTD



The Promenade DanceSport Facility

2605 Lord Baltimore Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21244

Phone:  410-277-0234    Web Site:

Click Here for Directions

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